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Statement of Joan Claybrook, President, Public Citizen

Statement of Joan Claybrook, President, Public Citizen
Opposing S. 746, the “Regulatory Roadblock Act”

Washington, D.C., Press Conference
May 20, 1999<

I am here today to deliver a message that is short — but not sweet. Senate Bill 746 is euphemistically called the “Regulatory Improvement Act.” It should be called the “Regulatory Roadblock Act.” It is a broad corporate attack on the vital public health, safety, environmental and civil rights safeguards that many people take for granted in the 1990s and believe will always be there.

We?re here to ask the Senate whose side are you on?

Are you for major corporate polluters? Or, are you for our children who want to breathe clean air and drink clean water?

Are you for labor law violators? Or, are you for the health and safety of our workers?

Are you for food processors who cut corners? Or, are you for a safe food supply?

Are you for giving automakers a free ride on car safety? Or, do you want to protect our families against paraplegia, quadriplegia, epilepsy and brain damage?

Are you for tobacco companies that entice our children to smoke? Or, are you for strongly regulating the advertising of these deadly products?

It is time for the Senate to stand for vital public protections, not for ever-greater corporate profits. The Senate should bypass the “Regulatory Roadblock Act” and wave it goodbye.
