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Standing up to Wall Street in Indianapolis

Activists in Indianapolis, Indiana rallied in front of Chase Bank today to call for financial reform that puts people before Wall Street profits. After the event, they took their message to the nearby local office of Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Ind.) (who, according to our new report, has received $345,420 in donations from the financial industry between November ’08 and June ’09). Click here to send a message to your senators on the need to rein in the greed gone wild on Wall Street.

Organizer Ronetta Spalding said, “It was a great awareness event. We delivered a letter to the branch manager and copied their CEO Jamie Dimon before heading to Sen. Bayh’s office with a few materials. Good stuff.”

Pay attention, Congress. The people are fed up with the bail outs and give aways to the corporate financial sector. It’s time to listen to the public’s demands for transparency, oversight and accountability. It’s time to stand with the people, not the big banks.