SNL stars as past POTUSes tell Obama to fight for strong CFPA
You’ve been hearing a lot from us about the need for a strong, independent Consumer Financial Protection Agency to rein in Wall Street’s predatory practices and help prevent another financial crisis. In the video above, now you can hear about it from Presidents Clinton, both Bushes, Reagan, Carter and Ford as they urge Obama to fight for an independent watchdog agency with teeth (played by an all-star cast of Saturday Night Live funnymen, including my personal favorite, Dana Carvey as Bush Sr.).
Regardless of how you feel about the respective legacies of any of these former Commanders in Chief, the video’s worth checking out for a laugh (and, of course, for an extra boost of motivation to call your senators!).
(Oh, and if you didn’t notice, the number to call your senators at the end of the video — (866) 544-7573 — is the same one we have been urging activists to call for the National Call-In for Financial Reform this week.)