Signed and dangerous — Congrats to the winners of our Rally to Restore Sanity sign contest
We have a winner!
Actually, four winners. From the thousands of slogans submitted in our “What Sign Should I Bring to Jon Stewart’s Rally to Restore Sanity?” Contest, we couldn’t pick just one.
Here are the winning slogans (along with the name and state of the first person to suggest each one):
Separation of Corporation and State (Elizabeth, North Carolina)
We, the People NOT We, the Corporations (Alan, Colorado)
It’s a Democracy, Not an Auction (Eric, Washington)
Keep Your Government Hands Off My Corporate Overlords! (Ken, Washington)
And a few runners-up that made us laugh:
If It Weren’t for CNN, I’d Have No Idea What Was Happening on Twitter (Claire, New Jersey)
Wait, What Are We Protesting Again? (RJ, Florida)
If You Think Money Is Speech, Try Paying Your Visa Bill With an Essay (Bruce, Michigan)
Read more slogans on the contest page.
Look for us at the rally! We’ll be decked out in spiffy Public Citizen t-shirts and handing out signs at nearby Metro (subway) stations. Get there early and get your sign before they’re all taken. Then show your Public Citizen pride by holding your sign as high as you can all day. Or, you know, until your arms get tired.
Thanks to the thousands of Public Citizen members and activists who submitted slogans. We really enjoyed reading them!
Hope to see you on the Mall this Saturday.