Senate Finance Committee Should Not Have Advanced Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Nomination
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Following the vote by the Senate Finance Committee supporting the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Public Citizen Co-President Robert Weissman issued the following statement:
“Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a conspiracist and anti-science crusader, who is manifestly unqualified to be Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and never should have been nominated for the post. Every Senator knows this and the Senate Finance Committee should have voted unanimously against confirmation.
Kennedy’s core commitments are not to ensure access to quality health care for all, and, in fact, his and Trump’s plans – to slash Medicaid, increase privatized Medicare and roll back Affordable Care Act consumer protections and subsidies — will manifestly reduce access to care, especially for the poor and vulnerable.
Instead, Kennedy made clear at his confirmation hearings last week that he is profoundly committed to spreading deadly vaccine disinformation, as he has long done.
At the hearings, Kennedy showed nothing but disdain for the intelligence of the American people. He misrepresented his previous positions on numerous issues while continuing to endorse anti-science conspiracies, showed profound ignorance on basic facts and functions of HHS, and repeatedly said he would carry out President Trump’s chaotic and dysfunctional orders.
This is a man who, if confirmed, will do devastating damage to public health institutions and the health of the American people. The members of the Senate Finance Committee know this, as does the full Senate. It’s time for senators to stand up to billionaire threats and exercise their constitutional duties responsibly.