Select Coronavirus Committee Is Critical to Fighting Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Coronavirus Response
Statements of Public Citizen Experts
Note: U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) today named the members of the U.S. House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis. The committee is chaired by U.S. Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) and housed within the Oversight Committee and was formally sanctioned by a House vote, which split on party lines.
“Oversight of the trillions of crisis dollars is critical to ensuring that relief finds beleaguered Americans and is not siphoned into the pockets of profiteers. This committee will be critical in identifying waste, fraud and abuse of coronavirus relief funds and should not be afraid to use its subpoena power.”
– Lisa Gilbert, vice president of legislative affairs
“Members of this select committee should explore the creation of a crisis response administration. We must ensure that the next time we face a crisis, we aren’t forced to create legislation on the fly in a matter of days by sleep-deprived, virus-frazzled lawmakers and staff.”
– Bartlett Naylor, financial policy advocate