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Public Citizen Experts Take on the Crisis in Washington

On Wednesday, October 16, a panel of Public Citizen experts and advocates weighed in on the shutdown and debt ceiling crisis and answered questions from Public Citizen members and activists.

Among those joining the discussion were Lisa Gilbert (director of Public Citizen’s Congress Watch division), Amit Narang (regulatory policy advocate for Public Citizen’s Congress Watch division) and Bartlett Naylor (financial policy reform advocate for Public Citizen’s Congress Watch division).

Watch the video to find out what they had to say:

While the crisis of a default on government debts was averted and the shutdown is over, there’s no telling what the future dysfunction and obstruction may be in store on Capitol Hill.

To make sure you’re invited to the next live online discussion, sign up today.

Rick Claypool is the online director for Public Citizen’s Congress Watch division. Follow him on Twitter at @RickClaypool.