Public Citizen Applauds Nomination of Robert Jackson Jr. and the Potential for a Fully Functional SEC
Oct. 24, 2017
Public Citizen Applauds Nomination of Robert Jackson Jr. and the Potential for a Fully Functional SEC
Statements from Public Citizen Experts
Note: Today, the U.S. Senate Banking Committee holds a hearing on Columbia University Law School professor Robert Jackson Jr., who has been nominated to serve on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Jackson, the Democratic nominee, is paired with Republican nominee Hester Peirce, a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center.
“Robert Jackson will bring his astute legal scholarship and proven commitment to investor protection to the Securities and Exchange Commission. We anticipate strong leadership from him on the topic of requiring material information to be made available to investors, something that is central to both the SEC’s mission and Public Citizen’s efforts. This, of course, includes the robust need for corporations to shine a light on their political spending. If confirmed, Professor Jackson would be a strong voice for the average American investor looking to rebuild trust in an economy that is still recovering from the financial crash. We are confident that Professor Jackson would work to ensure that American families are given a fair chance and the right information to make sound investment decisions.”
– Lisa Gilbert, vice president of legislative affairs, Public Citizen
“It is promising to see the possibility of a fully-staffed Securities and Exchange Commission, given that the agency has been operating at decreased capacity for years. At a time when Americans are seeking accountability from Wall Street bankers and corporate bad actors who have played fast and loose with their financial security, the country needs a fully functioning commission to have a fighting chance at making sure Wall Street is not cheating Americans out of a sound financial future.”
– Rachel Curley, democracy associate for Public Citizen’s Congress Watch division
“Hester Peirce’s libertarian views may enliven a dinner conversation, but they’re no comfort to America’s average investors exposed to Wall Street predators. Our senators must test whether she’ll put her oath to uphold the laws the U.S. Congress passes above her extensive written and stated objection to them.”
– Bartlett Naylor, financial policy advocate for Public Citizen’s Congress Watch division