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Public Backlash Grows Against Proposed Ads In National Parks

Public Backlash Grows Against Proposed Ads In National Parks


Mary Beth Quirk

Backlash is growing against a proposal by the National Park Service that would allow some corporate logos and signage within park boundaries, with the majority of folks who weighed in on the idea during a public commenting period saying they’re against it.

In May, NPS announced a proposed donor recognition program — known as Director’s Order #21 — that would allow individuals and companies to have their names displayed on things like programs, benches, and other interior spaces at parks as a way to raise funds.

At the time, the service said the program would be more about recognizing donors, and that corporations wouldn’t be allowed to rename parks like Yellowstone or features like Old Faithful. No logos or ad language would be allowed either. Still, critics noted that some of the new donor recognition methods could take away from the park-going experience: under the proposal, corporate logos and wraps would be allowed on vehicles that donors have funded, for example.

Read more: https://consumerist.com/2016/09/27/public-backlash-grows-to-proposed-ads-in-national-parks/