Statement: Susana Prieto Terrazas on Panista Persecution Against Defense of Workers Rights
By Susana Prieto Terrazas
Susana Prieto Terrazas, a prominent labor lawyer representing exploited workers in Mexico-Texas border maquiladora factories, was released on July 1 after being held without bail for three weeks on trumped-up charges of “mutiny, threats and coercion” after trying to register an independent union to replace a corrupt “protection” union. Her case reflects myriad labor abuses throughout Mexico, where workers fighting for independent unions, better wages and COVID-19-safe workplaces face ongoing abuse and resistance.
Download: Suzana Prieto Statement I English-Spanish
On June 8th of the current year, I was illegally deprived of my freedom without an arrest warrant, without having been read my rights, and noting that the order to arrest me was issued by a control judge[2] Rosalía Gómez Guerra, Control Judge of the 3rd region of the state of Tamaulipas, on May 15, 2020, when the activities of the Supreme Court of Justice of the state of Tamaulipas were suspended given the serious risks of the spread of SAR-CoV2, also known as COVID 19.
The criminal acts of which I am being accused of are dictated by the state of Tamaulipas itself through the president of the local Conciliation and Arbitration Special Board No. 6 (Labor Court) in Matamoros, Tamaulipas and his subordinates – three secretaries and two clerks.
They accuse me of crimes that could only be considered as such by the Holy Inquisition, such as rioting or mutinying at the facilities of the local Conciliation and Arbitration Special Board No. 6 on March 10, 2020. This, despite the fact that I was not present that day in that court and that the activities were carried out, according to witnesses, by workers from the Tridonex maquiladora of the American corporation Cardone, which remanufactures automobile brakes.
The crimes are not serious, and according to Mexican law, I should have been able to attend the trial without being imprisoned. But the judge denied me the right to do so, saying that I did not live in Matamoros. This in spite of my living in that city for almost two years. I proved that I have my own house and a law firm there. But the judge said that since I also have properties in the state of Chihuahua, there was a risk that I would flee from criminal justice, although even if found guilty of the crimes I could obtain probational (bond).
I appealed the judge’s decision because she said that I had to prove that I lived in Matamoros, which I did with witnesses and judicial visits to my house. The appeals judge said that I should stay in prison anyway, even though I proved having my home in Matamoros, because I did not prove that my children lived with me at that home. I couldn’t prove the impossible, because my oldest son lives in Los Angeles, one in Denver, and the remaining three, and my mother, in El Paso, with the youngest being 23 years old, and the oldest 36, of whom three have families of their own. Additionally, the appeals judge claimed that there was flee risk, since Chihuahua and Tamaulipas are border states with the United States, leaving me in prison.
It should be noted that both judges acted illegally and violated my rights, because Mexican criminal law establishes that the right to be free from pretrial incarceration can only be denied to those who have committed serious crimes such as homicide, terrorism, rape, kidnapping, smuggling, tax evasion, perversion of minors, etc., without these being my case.
Then, my lawyers requested a benefit that derives from the presumption of innocence consisting of the suspension of the trial, providing that I comply with the conditions that the judge establishes in order to grant me my freedom according to Article 195 of the National Code of Criminal Procedure[3], for which we had to present a proposal before the judge.
The Public Prosecutor’s Office should not object to the suspension of the trial.
My lawyers offered the following conditions: restitution by having me pay for five sessions with a psychotherapist in Tamaulipas, with a cost of $350 MXN per session, for two of the alleged victims because they are the only cases for which a psychological expert from the prosecution determined that they need therapy. I also committed to provide social service by filing and handling for six months protective actions (amparos), without charge, in favor of prisoners with terminal or degenerative diseases held in the Penalties and Sanctions Enforcement Center where I was to present myself and sign before the judge every month – since I defend workers and have legal cases and trials in three states of the Mexican republic (Tamaulipas, Chihuahua, and Coahuila), I could not present myself to sign every week – and, finally, to live exclusively in my house in Matamoros.
The prosecutor did not oppose suspending the trial, but asked the judge to sentence me to live in the state of Chihuahua at the address registered on my Mexican voter’s card (the address where I lived in as a child), to compel me to present myself before the judge of Tamaulipas each week, and to pay $ 66,000 MXN for damages.
In addition to the prosecutor’s demands, the judge said: “I condemn you to live in the state of Chihuahua. I order you to abandon the state of Tamaulipas one minute after your release. You will not be able to return to the state of Tamaulipas in two and a half years, unless a judge orders you to appear before him as long as you notify me with reasonable time to authorize it, consisting of more than the 26 hours it takes to get from Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua to Matamoros, Tamaulipas by public transportation. And I forbid you to appear before the local Conciliation and Arbitration Special Board No. 6 (Labor Court) of Matamoros, Tamaulipas. I forbid you to travel abroad. And I condemn you to pay $66,000 MXN in damages for the victims.” All of these conditions, which have a duration of 30 months, violate my individual guarantees and fundamental rights.
These conditions violate my right to work and to freely practice my profession, being a law graduate and having a thousand clients in cases filed before the local Conciliation and Arbitration Special Board No. 6 in Matamoros, Tamaulipas. And the right to free transit through Mexico, which has 32 states, by forcing me to live in Chihuahua, since as a citizen of Mexico and the United States, I have the right to live where is convenient for me. And condemn me to pay excessive damages to people that I have never caused any harm.
It should be noted that the judge, in accordance with the National Code of Criminal Procedure, should place any restrictions on probational freedom to the best of her or his knowledge, depending on the dangerousness of the alleged offender and their criminal record (which I do not have), and neither the public prosecutor nor the accused can reject the conditions imposed by the judge. It is an obligation to accept them to achieve release.
Although I did not agree with the conditions that were presented to me to suspend the judicial proceeding, and although I had the desire to remain in prison until my freedom was proven, at the time of my most recent hearing I was informed that my mother, 72, had tested positive with Covid 19, which influenced my decision to accept the conditions having due regard of my mother’s mental, emotional, and physical health. Hence, the reporting in the press sponsored by the “maquilador” government and its unions according to which I gladly accepted the conditions is false. If it were not for this circumstance, I would remain incarcerated in the Prison of Tamatan, in Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, until my innocence was fully demonstrated because that is why I rejected the prosecutor’s initial proposal to plead guilty to get out of jail after my second hearing. The suspension of the trial does not imply recognition of guilt.
Today, my lawyer in Tamaulipas is filing the appeal against the excessive and illegal decision of the judge that implies my exile from Tamaulipas, violating my right to live where it suits me best, my law practice, and the unity of my family by prohibiting me from traveling to the United States for 30 months.
I consider that the judgment of Rosalia Gomez Guerra could be part of a criminal association forged by the foreign maquiladora industry of the U.S.-Mexico border region and the white[4] unions, both corrupt forces refusing to accept freedom of association and union democratization, which are mandatory conditions according to the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), through the governors of Tamaulipas (Francisco Javier Garcia Cabeza de Vaca) and Chihuahua (Javier Corral Corrado), given that my ordeal is not over.
It seemed suspicious that the judge forced me to live exclusively in the state of Chihuahua, having 31 states to choose from in the Mexican republic. For this reason I filed protective actions (amparos) in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua against a probable deprivation of my liberty in that state.
Yesterday I found out that my suspicions were true. I was deprived of my freedom on June 8, 2020 in Tamaulipas, and, on June 9 — already detained —, by order of the prosecutor, an arrest warrant was issued against me in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, within the criminal case No. 2324/2020 filed before the Judge of First Instance in Criminal Matters of the Bravos Judicial District in the state of Chihuahua, Lic. Felix Aurelio Guerra Salazar, for perjury. In other words, in this case it is also the state of Chihuahua that initiates criminal actions against me, based on false premises because I have never committed any crime.
The persecution did not end there. On June 10, 2020, a second arrest warrant was issued against me by the Control Judge of the Bravo Judicial District of the state of Chihuahua for the alleged commission of the crimes of illegal deprivation of liberty and arbitrary exercise of one’s own rights against the maquiladora Electrocomponentes de Mexico, SA de CV, a subsidiary of the corporation ECI, with its main headquarters in the United States. It is not true that I have committed any crime.
It is suspicious and completely incredible that these last two arrest warrants had been issued by judges from the state of Chihuahua, where the Tamaulipas judge forced me to establish my residence, and that they were issued the day after she executed the illegal arrest warrant that was issued against me. It can be presumed that the judge forced me, through an illegal decision, to reside in Chihuahua so that the governor of that state, through the public prosecutor’s office, could deprive me of my freedom illegally when I arrived there.
Regardless of the protective action (amparo) that I have filed to prevent the enforcement of the two arrest warrants that were issued against me in the state of Chihuahua, it is feared that in the next few days I will be deprived of my freedom. The judge considering the amparo action requires that I appear before the judges who issued the arrest warrants against me, and if I do, although the crimes that I am accused of committing are not serious (as happened in Tamaulipas), they could order my immediate imprisonment, due to the trial suspended in Tamaulipas. Now, due to the declaration issued by 60 U.S. congressmen and the U.S. embassy itself in Mexico, it is a public and known fact that I am an American citizen by naturalization, and this fact alone can be an excuse for the judges to argue that I am likely to avoid the criminal proceedings, fleeing, as if I were a criminal, to the United States when this is false. Given that they will not believe in my innocence just because I say so, I am interested in fully proving that I am a political prisoner of Tamaulipas, that I am about to become a political prisoner in Chihuahua, and that I have never committed any crime. That the only thing that is happening is that the maquiladora industry, the unions, and the local governments, refusing to respect the freedom of association and union democratization of the workers which I have defended for more than 30 years, are united to dismantle their struggles to achieve better wages, working conditions, and living conditions.
[1] “Panista” means a member of the PAN, the Mexican National Action Party (Spanish: Partido Acción Nacional), which is a business-friendly conservative political party. The governors of Tamaulipas and Chihuahua are both PAN members.
[2] In Mexico, “control judges” (jueza de control) are in charge of the preliminary, pre-trial stages of criminal cases, and are supposed to ensure compliance with due process and defendants’ rights.)
[3] The procedure is call suspensión provisional del proceso.
[4] A “white” union is Mexican colloquialism for a “protection” union, which protects the interests of the employer, not the worker. Typically such “unions” sign “contracts” locking in low wages before the first workers are higher. The protection union satisfies the Mexican legal obligation for most workplaces to register a union.
Autor: Susana Prieto Terrazas
El 8 junio fui privada ilegalmente de mi libertad sin orden de aprehensión, sin que se me leyeran mis derechos, destacando que esa orden fue girada por una jueza de control, Rosalía Gómez Guerra, jueza de control de la 3ra región del estado de Tamaulipas con fecha 15 de mayo 2020 estando suspendidas las labores del supremo tribunal de justicia del estado de Tamaulipas por encontrarse en semáforo rojo que determina como muy grave riesgo de contraer el SAR-CoV2, también conocido como covid19.
Los hechos delictivos que se em imputan los dicta el propio estado de Tamaulipas por conducto del presidente de la junta especial no. 6 de la local de conciliación y arbitraje en Matamoros, Tamaulipas y subordinados a sus órdenes: 3 secretarios, y 2 escribientes.
Me acusan de delitos considerados así solo en la santa inquisición, como es asonada o motín, el 10 de marzo 2020 en las instalaciones de la junta especial no. 6 de la local de conciliación y arbitraje cuando yo no estuve presente ese día en esa corte y que fueron realizados según los testigos, por trabajadores de la maquiladora Tridonex, del corporativo americano Cardone, que remanufacturan frenos de automóviles.
Los delitos no son graves, y de acuerdo con las leyes mexicanas, pude llevar los juicios en libertad, pero la jueza me negó el derecho de hacerlo diciendo que no vivía en matamoros, cuando tengo casi dos años viviendo en esa ciudad. Le acredite que tengo casa propia y un despacho jurídico, pero dijo que como también tengo propiedades en el estado de CHIHUAHUA, existía el riesgo de que me sustrajera de la acción de la justicia penal, aunque aun resultando culpable de los delitos podía obtener libertad probatoria (causional).
Interpuse el recurso de revisión/ Apelé la decisión porque la jueza dijo que tenia que probar que vivía en Matamoros, lo probé con testigos, con inspecciones de mi casa, y el nuevo juez dijo que de todas formas debía mantenerme en prisión, aunque probé tener mi domicilio en Matamoros, porque no probé que mis hijos vivieran conmigo en ese domicilio. Yo no podía probar lo imposible, porque mi hijo mayor vive en Los Ángeles, CA, uno en Denver, CO, y los tres restantes y mi madre en El Paso, TX, con la menor teniendo 23 años, y el mayor 36, de los cuales 3 tienen familias propias. Y que había peligro que me sustrajera de la justicia, ya que Chihuahua y Tamaulipas son estados fronterizos con Estados Unidos, dejándome en prisión.
Cabe destacar que ambos jueces actuaron de forma ilegal y violatoria de mis derechos, porque la ley penal establece que solo puede negársele el beneficio de sustanciar los juicios en libertad a quienes han cometido delitos graves como homicidio, terrorismo, violación, secuestro, contrabando, evasión fiscal, perversión de menores, etc., sin ser mi caso.
Entonces, mis abogados tramitan un beneficio que deriva de la presunción de inocencia, y que consiste en que el juicio se suspenda, no continúe, y que me someta a las disposiciones que el juez establezca para otorgarme libertad de acuerdo con el artículo 195 de procedimientos penales, pero debiendo plantear un proyecto que se plantea ante el juez.
El ministerio público no debe oponerse fundadamente a que se suspenda el procedimiento.
Mis abogados ofrecieron pagar la reparación del daño pagando 5 sesiones con una terapeuta en Tamaulipas que ofreció otorgarlas con un costo de $350 MXN por sesión a dos de las supuestas víctimas porque son los únicos casos en los que un perito psicológico de la fiscalía refiere que necesitan terapia, me comprometo a prestar servicio social, llevando la defensa y tramitación por 6 meses de juicios de amparo gratuitos a favor de los presos o presas recluidas en el centro de ejecución de penas y sanciones donde me encontraba recluida, y que estuvieran enfermos de algún padecimiento degenerativo y mortal, acudir a firmar ante el juez cada mes, dado que defiendo trabajadores y tengo juicios instaurados en 3 estados de la república mexicana (Tamaulipas, Chihuahua y Coahuila) y no podía presentarme a firmar cada semana, y por último, vivir en mi casa de Matamoros.
El ministerio público no se opuso a suspender el procedimiento, pero pidió a la jueza que me condenara a vivir en CHIHUAHUA en el domicilio de mi credencial de elector, que me obligara a concurrir ante el juez hasta Tamaulipas para firmar cada semana, y que pagara la reparación del daño ($66,000 MXN).
Mas allá de lo que le pide el ministerio público, la juez dice “te condeno a vivir en el estado de Chihuahua. Te ordeno a salid del estado de Tamaulipas en el minuto uno de tu excarcelamiento, no podrás volver al estado de Tamaulipas en 2 años y medio, a menos que un juez te ordene que concurras ante el siempre y cuando me avises con tiempo prudente para autorizarlo superior a las 26 horas que toman llegar de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua a Matamoros, Tamaulipas pro corretera. Y te prohíbo pararte en la junta especial no. 6 de la junta local de conciliación y arbitraje de Matamoros, Tamaulipas. Te prohíbo viajar al extranjero, Y te condeno a pagar $66,000 MXN de reparación del daño a las víctimas.” Todas las condiciones son violatorias de garantías individuales o derechos fundamentales que duran mas de 30 meses.
Violan mi derecho al trabajo y al libre ejercicio de mi profesión siendo licenciada en derecho y teniendo mil clientes de asuntos radicados ante la junta especial no 6 de conciliación y arbitraje en Matamoros, Tamaulipas.
Me viola el derecho al libre transito por México, que tiene 32 estados en la republica y me obliga a vivir en Chihuahua, siendo que como ciudadana de México y de Estados Unidos, tengo derecho de vivir en donde me sea conveniente como ciudadano de ambos países, y me condena a pagar reparación del daño excesivas a las personas a las que nunca les he causado daño alguno.
Cabe destacar que el juez de acuerdo con el código nacional de procedimientos penales pone las restricciones para la libertad causional a su leal saber y entender, dependiendo de la peligrosidad del supuesto delincuente, sus antecedentes penales (que no tengo), y no es decisión ni del ministerio publico ni de la imputada aceptar las condiciones que impone el juez, sino que es obligación aceptarles para lograr la excarcelación.
Aunque no estuviera conforme con las condiciones que se me presentaron para suspender el procedimiento judicial, y aunque tuviera el deseo que mantenerme en prisión hasta probar mi libertad, en el momento de mi juicio final se me informo que mi madre había sido detectada positivamente con SARS-CoV2, Covid 19, afectando mi decisión de salir por la salud mental, emocional, y física de mi madre, por lo que es falso el manejo que le da la prensa patrocinada por el propio gobierno maquilador y sus sindicatos de que yo acepte gustosa la decisión de la jueza de Tamaulipas. De no ser por esta circunstancia, seguiría encarcelada en el Penal de Tamatán, en Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, hasta que se demostrara en forma plena mi inocencia porque por eso deseché la propuesta del fiscal de declararme culpable para salir de la cárcel. La suspensión del procedimiento no implica reconocimiento de culpabilidad.
El día de hoy, mi abogado en Tamaulipas está presentando la apelación en contra de la excesiva e ilegal resolución de la jueza que implica mi exilio de Tamaulipas, violentar mi derecho a vivir donde mejor me convenga, mi ejercicio de la profesión de licenciado en derecho, y la unión con mi familia al prohibirme a viajar a Estados Unidos por 30 meses.
Considero que la sentencia de la jueza de Tamaulipas podría formar parte de una asociación delictuosa fraguada por la industria maquiladora extranjera de la franja fronteriza y los sindicatos blancos, ambos corruptos, que se niegan a aceptar la libertad y la democratización sindical revista como obligatoria en el TMEC, por conducto de los gobernadores de Tamaulipas y Chihuahua, porque mi calvario no ha terminado.
Resultaba sospecho que la jueza me obligara a vivir exclusivamente en el estado de Chihuahua, teniendo 31 estados para elegir en la republica mexicana, por lo que promoví en Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua amparos contra una probable privación de libertad en ese estado.
El día de ayer me enteré de que mis sospechas eran ciertas, que fui privada de mi libertad el 8 de junio 2020 en Tamaulipas, y que el 9 de junio, ya detenida en aquella entidad y por la comunicación del MP se em giro orden de aprehensión en Cd. Juárez Chihuahua, en la causa penal 2324/2020 radicada ante el juez de primera instancia en material penal del sistema penal acusatorio del distrito judicial bravos, estado de Chihuahua, Lic. Felix Aurelio Guerra Salazar, por falsedad ante autoridades en perjuicio de la administración de justicia; es decir que en este caso es también el estado de Chihuahua quien inicia acciones persecutorias en mi contra, fundado en hechos falsos porque jamás he cometido ningún delito.
Ahí no termina la persecución habiendo sido privada de mi libertad el 8 de junio 2020 en Tamaulipas, el 10 de junio 2020 se gira orden de aprehensión en mi contra por el juez de control del distrito judicial bravos del estado de Chihuahua por la supuesta comisión de los delitos de privación de la libertad y ejercicio ilegal del proprio derecho en contra de la maquiladora Electrocomponentes de Mexico, SA de CV, filial del corporativo ECI, que tiene su principal asiento de negocios en EU, siendo falso que haya cometido algún delito.
Resulta sospechoso y completamente increíble que estas dos últimas ordenes de aprehensión se hubiesen girado por jueces del estado de Chihuahua a donde la juez de Tamaulipas me obliga a establecer mi residencia al día siguiente de que ella ejecutara la orden ilegal de aprehensión que giro en mi contra, y un día después. Existe la presunción de que la jueza me obligara en una resolución ilegal a radicar en Chihuahua para que el gobernador de ese estado a través del ministerio público pudiera privarme de mi libertad ilegalmente al arribar al mismo.
Independientemente del amparo promovido para evitar que se ejecuten las dos órdenes de aprehensión que se emitieron a modo en el estado de Chihuahua se teme que en los próximos días sea privada de mi libertad porque el juez de amparo me obliga a presentarme ante los jueces que giraron las ordenes aprehensión, y si lo hago, aunque no son delitos graves los que me imputan (como paso en Tamaulipas), se teme que se ordene mi encarcelamiento inmediato pro el procedimiento suspendido en Tamaulipas y porque ahora por el pronunciamiento emitido por 60 congresistas estadounidenses y la propia embajada de Estados Unidos en México es un hecho público y conocido que soy ciudadana americana por naturalización, y este solo hecho puede ser excusa para los jueces de que me voy a sustraer del ejercicio de la acción penal, huyendo cual si fuera una criminal a Estados Unidos, cuando esto es falso, pero no lo creerán solo por mi palabra, porque me interesa probar plenamente que soy presa política de Tamaulipas, que estoy a punto de convertirme en presa política de Chihuahua, y que nunca he cometido ningún delito. Que lo único que la industria maquiladora y los sindicatos y gobiernos que se niegan a respetar la libertad y democratización sindical de los obreros que defiendo desde hace mas de 30 años están unidos para desarticular las luchas de estos para otorgar mejoras salariales y mejores condiciones de trabajo y de vida.