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New York’s Attorney General Shuts Down a Key Element of Trump’s Grift and Corruption; Congress Should Follow Suit

New York’s Attorney General Shuts Down a Key Element of Trump’s Grift and Corruption; Congress Should Follow Suit

Statement of Robert Weissman, President, Public Citizen

Note: Today, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood announced that the Donald J. Trump Foundation will dissolve after her office pursued a June lawsuit against the charity, Donald Trump and his three oldest children. Despite today’s agreement, Underwood has signaled her intention to ask a judge for more than $2.8 million in restitution and to ban the Trump family from serving on the boards of other New York nonprofit organizations.

Donald Trump used the Trump Foundation “as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump’s business and political interests,” according to New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood.

That fits the pattern, because Trump has similarly used the presidency to advance his business and political interests – and he has presided over a corporate takeover of the government so that Big Business interests are similarly able to use the government to enrich themselves, roll back public protections and escape accountability for wrongdoing.

Thanks are due to Attorney General Underwood for defending the public interest against Trump grift and corruption.

Now it’s time for the Congress to do the same.
