More Than 50 Groups Call for Movement on Political Deepfake Bills
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate should expedite a floor vote and pass three important bills regulating political deepfakes authored by U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), more than 50 organizations said in a letter sent today to Senate Leaders Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).
The Protect Elections from Deceptive AI Act (S. 2770) would prohibit the use of intentionally deceptive deepfakes in election advertising. The AI Transparency in Elections Act of 2024 (S. 3875) would require the disclosure of AI generated content in campaign ads. And the Preparing Election Administrators for AI Act (S. 3897) would encourage the Election Assistance Commission to develop materials regarding the use and risks posed by AI in campaigning.
“Our nation needs AI and election safeguards in place before our federal elections this fall if possible,” the letter urges. “With deepfakes, the public, election integrity and candidates of all political stripes lose.”
“Already, 20 states have passed bills regulating AI and election disinformation. Congress must act now to build upon this legislative momentum and Majority Leader Schumer’s priority commitment to address political deepfakes’ threat to our democracy, and protect our nation from the coming tidal wave of AI generated deceptive election content.
“With a federal election rapidly approaching, it’s vital that Congress move legislation to get rules in place to protect voters and candidates against deceptive and fraudulent deepfakes,” said Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen. “Deepfakes targeting the current and former presidents, and several senators provide a glimpse of how harmful this deceptive content can be in creating mass confusion and deepening political alienation and polarization.”