Michael Moore: Constitutional amendment needed to take money out of politics
Standing in front of the U.S. Capitol, filmmaker and author Michael Moore told MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan that until there’s a constitutional amendment that removes money from politics, “we’re doomed.” While his critics love to claim he’s sensational, Moore’s social and political commentary is usually ahead of the curve and usually spot on. In this case, we couldn’t agree more.
The Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United vs. FEC, has cleared the way for corporations to spend an unlimited amount from their treasuries to support or oppose candidates. Passing a constitutional amendment to undo Citizens United is one of our top goals at Public Citizen. You can join our campaign at DontGetRolled.org and on our Facebook page.
“Everybody out there needs to tell anybody running for public office, ‘I will not vote for you unless you support a constitutional amendment removing money out of politics,’ ” Moore said.