McConnell’s Proposal Would Leave Tens of Millions of Americans to Fend for Themselves, Is DOA
Statement of Lisa Gilbert, Executive Vice President, Public Citizen
Note: Details of the agreement between the White House and U.S. Senate Republicans on a coronavirus response package have emerged. The proposal was negotiated by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)
McConnell has taken the wrong approach in almost every way. Instead of using the last several months to negotiate a reasonable relief package with bipartisan support, he produced a brazenly partisan corporate giveaway that leaves tens of millions of struggling Americans to fend for themselves.
McConnell’s proposal doesn’t do nearly enough to help our schools, state budgets, small businesses, the postal service, our elections or the tens of millions who’ve lost their jobs – nor does it take the bold steps needed to combat the pandemic. Even worse, it includes a corporate immunity provision that would reward companies that do as little as possible to protect workers, consumers and patients by shielding them from accountability.
McConnell’s proposal won’t grapple with the challenges at hand from the pandemic and our economic pain. It’s a non-starter.