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Houston City Council Missed Opportunity with Port Appointment

Houston City Council Votes Against Nominee from Port Community


Statement of Adrian Shelley, Director, Public Citizen Texas Office 


Note: Today, the Houston City Council voted to appoint Cheryl Creuzot to the Port Commission of the Port of Houston Authority. On Tuesday, Public Citizen urged the council to appoint Bridgette Murray for the position. Murray is a native of Houston’s Pleasantville community and founder of Achieving Community Tasks Successfully, which works on behalf of Pleasantville residents. She served on the Port of Houston Chairman’s Citizens Advisory Council and is a member of the Healthy Port Communities Coalition, which works to protect the health and safety of communities affected by the port. Murray would have been the first Port Commissioner appointed due to her role as an organizer in a portside community. Public Citizen enthusiastically supported her nomination.  


“We are disappointed in the Houston City Council’s decision today. They had an opportunity to appoint Bridgette Murray, who would have been the first representative from a community impacted by the port. Instead, they voted for moneyed interests over those of the public. It will be business as usual at the Port of Houston, and the health of neighboring communities will suffer for it.”