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Health Letter

Health Letter, Dr. Sidney Wolfe

Published monthly since 1985, Public Citizen Health Research Group Health Letter brings you critical information about health issues – arming you with up-to-date information so you can make better health care decisions. Topics include quality of care, insurance, questionable doctors and hospitals, managed care and the recalls of drugs, devices and consumer products.

3 SAMPLE ISSUES available in PDF format*

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Annual subscription price is $18.00 (12 issues). Back issues are available for $3.00 each. To order, mail check, payable to Public Citizen, to Health Letter, 1600 20th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 or call 202 588-1000 for more information or to order by credit card (Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Discover.)

Topics covered in recent issues include:

Healthcare Reform
Off-label Use of Drugs
Drug, Device and Product Recalls
Ranking of State Medical Boards
Mad Cow Disease