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Google Takes First Step to End Forced Arbitration

Nov. 8, 2018

Google Takes First Step to End Forced Arbitration

Statement of Remington A. Gregg, Counsel for Civil Justice and Consumer Rights, Public Citizen’s Congress Watch Division

Note: The Wall Street Journal reported that Google will end the practice of forcing employees into arbitration for claims of harassment and assault – following similar actions by Microsoft, Uber and Lyft. Public Citizen is leading a coalition of nearly 50 organizations calling on tech companies to remove arbitration clauses from their worker contracts.

Google’s action is an important and meaningful first step for harassment and assault survivors, but Google should end forced arbitration for all types of claims against the company.

Forcing workers into arbitration and denying them access to the courts ensures that systemic issues of discrimination and harassment will never see the light of day. When coupled with a ban on class actions, forced arbitration severely restricts workers’ access to justice.

Public Citizen will continue to prod tech companies to be part of the solution and not the problem.
