Flash mob: “We won’t give our lives to corporate control”
One of our supporters emailed me this awesome video of an impressively well-choreographed and performed flash mob protest, big band and all. It made my day, and I just had to share. I hope you’ll share it too.
Their tune is a protest song about unlimited corporate spending to influence elections – and it’s played to the melody of “Sixteen Tons,” a classic anthem of worker struggles. Only now, instead of owing our soul to the “company store,” today it seems more like it’s our “company Congress” that’s lost its soul.
Want to join the movement that’s working toward solutions to the corporate corruption of our government? Sign the petition at www.democracyisforpeople.org.
To the folks who made this video: Bravo! It’s protests like this that bring life to our movement and inspire us to keep taking action.
Do you have a video, song, image, slogan or other artwork you’ve created to protest the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission? If so, let us know.
Post a link to your protest art in the comments section below, or send it in an email to amendment@citizen.org.
UPDATE: Aug. 26, 2011
I’d like to give credit where credit is due. Phyllis Meshulam, the supporter who contacted me, is the director, organizer and lyricist behind the flash mob.
Inspired by the “Target Ain’t People” video from last summer, Meshulam and other members of the Sonoma County, California, MoveOn group – particularly choreographer Mary Ann Ciavonne and solo vocalist Dusty Wroten – made the video happen.
To organize the flash mob, the group networked broadly and enlisted the help of the Hubbub Club Band, and singer and dancer friends. Burning Token Media did the videography, and James Marchbanks and Michael Litle, a Communications Professor from Sonoma State University, did the final editing.
Again, bravo!