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Dodge’s Exploitation of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Super Bowl Ad Is Unacceptable

Feb. 5, 2018

Dodge’s Exploitation of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Super Bowl Ad Is Unacceptable

Statement of Kristen Strader, Campaign Coordinator, Public Citizen’s Commercial Alert Program

The level of disrespect embedded in Dodge’s decision to use Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s words in its Super Bowl ad is overwhelming. Exploiting Dr. King’s hard work and legacy for profit is unacceptable.

Proving humility takes more than an emotionally fueled Super Bowl ad. Dodge’s ad is disgusting in that it has effectively taken the substance of Dr. King’s speech – which warned against excessive materialism – and turned it inside out. Dodge is trying to profit from social justice imagery and Black History Month to expand its brand – not advance justice.

Dodge should be utterly ashamed of this blatant appropriation.
