Did Warriors’ Decision Doom Commercial-Free Schools?
Did Warriors’ Decision Doom Commercial-Free Schools?
SF Weekly
Michael Barba
For almost two decades, the San Francisco Unified School District has fought back against corporate advertising, banning brand names and shooting down most investors who want to put logos on their contributions to the school district. But with state funding waning, the school district is doubling down on its efforts to reel in private donors, meaning there will likely be more pressure on the school board to once again allow logos and brand names on campuses.
Last week, the Board of Education opted to play ball with a billion-dollar enterprise seeking to stamp its insignia around Willie Brown Middle School when it lifted an advertising ban that has been in place since the turn of the century.
With tall windows that provide million-dollar views of San Francisco from a hill in the Bayview, the brand new, $56 million middle school already features a bust of its former mayor and power broker namesake in its hallway. And now, the school’s exterior basketball court boasts the iconic logo of the Bay Area’s beloved NBA team.
Read more: http://www.sfweekly.com/news/news-news/warriors-decision-doom-commercial-free-schools/