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Bipartisan Coalition Pushes House Lawmakers to Heed the Evidence of Bribery and Abuse of Power, Impeach Trump

Trump Pressured Ukraine to Interfere in 2020 Elections Then Withheld Military Aid to Benefit His Political Campaign

WHAT: Press conference at which representatives from the nation’s largest grassroots groups, veterans groups, constitutional organizations, national security voices and other organizations will gather in support of the U.S. House of Representatives’ decision to impeach President Donald Trump, upholding their oath to the Constitution and reminding the nation that no one – including the president of the United States – is above the law. If the House leadership changes the timing of the floor vote, this event will be rescheduled.

The event will come a day after more than 600 “Nobody Is Above the Law” protests are held in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Today, Americans will turn out from West Virginia to California to call on lawmakers to uphold their oath of office and impeach Trump.

House lawmakers are expected to vote Wednesday on two articles of impeachment against Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees have gathered overwhelming evidence showing that Trump abused his power, violated public trust and endangered national security solely to benefit his reelection.

Concerned citizens will be encouraged throughout the day of the impeachment vote to call their representative’s office in support of the articles of impeachment.

WHEN: 9 a.m. EST, Wednesday Dec. 18

WHO: Nathaly Arriola, executive director, Need to Impeach
Diallo Brooks, senior director of outreach and public engagement, People For the American Way
Sean Eldridge, founder and president, Stand Up America
Rahna Epting, executive director, MoveOn
Karen Hobert Flynn, president, Common Cause
William Goodwin, director of government relations, VoteVets
Reggie Hubbard, strategist, congressional liaison/Washington D.C. strategist, MoveOn
Leah Greenberg, co-executive director, Indivisible
Kelly Magsamen, vice president for international policy and security, Center for American Progress
Neera Tanden, President and CEO of Center for American Progress Action Fund
Jamal Watkins, vice president of civic engagement, NAACP
Robert Weissman, president, Public Citizen

WHERE: Senate Area 8, U.S. Capitol (NE corner of Senate side bordering Constitution Avenue across from Russell Senate Office Building)
*If the House leadership changes timing for the floor vote, this event will be rescheduled.
