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Attempts To Replace the For the People Act Should Be Defeated On the U.S. House Floor

March 5, 2019


Attempts To Replace the For the People Act Should Be Defeated On the U.S. House Floor

Replacing H.R. 1 With a Weaker Alternative Is a Direct Blow to a Renewed Democracy

Public Citizen submitted a letter on behalf of its 500,000 members and supporters today to express its wholehearted support for the sweeping ethics, campaign finance and voting rights reforms offered by the For the People Act (H.R. 1), which will be considered in a final U.S. House of Representatives floor vote this week.

Opponents of a stronger democracy and voting protections are expected to offer a motion to recommit H.R. 1 and swap its robust provisions with language that would strip down or terminate the legislation altogether. Public Citizen believes the House should reject any such parliamentary maneuvers that would delay or end consideration of this vital legislation.

Read the letter here.