Are you a potential corporate whistleblower?
In The Insider, Russell Crowe stars as a tobacco industry scientist turned corporate whistleblower. The Hollywood thriller was based on the true story of Jeffrey Wigand. While not always quite so dramatic, there are real risks to “doing the right thing.” Ralph Nader experienced this firsthand when he was targeted by automaker giant GE in 1965. Though decades have passed since GE hired a private investigator to unearth unflattering information about Nader, standing up to corporate power continues to take courage. Most recently, Public Citizen President Robert Weissman was profiled on a powerpoint presentation by the HBGary Group, a firm of computer hacks paid by the federal government with tax payer dollars to develop cyber spying mechanisms, which they in turn proffered to the law firm of the Chamber of Commerce to use against groups like Public Citizen. See DailyKos.
The Government Accountability Project (GAP) has just released, The Corporate Whistleblower’s Survival Guide. The guide details key strategies for effectively blowing the whistle, common “pitfall” practices to avoid, and key survival tips when considering exposing wrongdoing at a company.
This evening, April 21, GAP and Georgetown University’s Law School will be hosting an online event featuring a discussion between the authors and noted whistleblowers. Among those participating will be Wendell Potter, noted health insurance company whistleblower who authored Deadly Spin and exposed health care insurance strategies in putting profit over people’s lives. Additionally, Dr. Janet Chandler, who earned a Supreme Court landmark victory against hospital fraud with help from her then-lawyer Barack Obama, and Larry King, Three Mile Island cleanup whistleblower, will speak.
The event can be watched live by clicking here, starting at 5:15 p.m. EDT this Thursday, April 21. Call-in questions will be taken from around the country for this event. To call in to the event, dial 1-888-757-2790 (password: 871514).