36 Groups to Biden and Congress: Reduce Oversized Pentagon Request
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Public Citizen and three dozen faith, social justice, immigration, peace and climate groups in a statement called on the Biden administration to reverse course on its proposed $753 billion Pentagon – a notable increase from President Trump’s final enacted budget – and instead propose to reduce overall Pentagon spending.
“We must change course and invest in the needs of people rather than the greed of the military-industrial complex,” the letter states.
“There are numerous proposals on how to rein in the gargantuan Pentagon budget while increasing national and global security,” the groups contend in their letter. “The American people know that producing more weapons, greenlighting corporate contracts, and propping up endless war slush funds will not make us safer.”
The groups urge that President Biden significantly lower the Pentagon budget in his formal budget request to Congress and that Congress allocate less for the Pentagon in its forthcoming fiscal year 2022 spending bills than it did in fiscal year 2021.
Read the statement and see the full list of signers here.