fb tracking

The following non-governmental organizations endorse the NGO Joint Statement on the MAI:


Friends of the Earth Argentina

Australia: Australians for Animals


Australia Greens

Australian Coalition for Economic Justice

Australian Conservation Foundation

Australian Health and Development Group

Australian STOP-MAI Coalition

Economic Reform Australia

Friends of the Earth Australia

Mineral Policy Institute

National Council of Single Mothers and their Children

Public Health Association

South Australian MAI Community Awareness Campaign

Southern Women’s Group, Inc.

TOES Australia

Urban Ecology Australia

Women’s International and Referral Exchange, Inc.


Alternate and Green Syndicat

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

Austrian Anti-Nuclear NGO

Basis Initiative Nawi Gruene (BING)

Beirat fuer gesellschafts-, wirtschaffs-und unweltpolitsche

Bitte um Bestatigung unter

Commission Internationale pour la protection des Alpes (CIPRA)

Encounter Center for Active Non-Violence

Friends of the Earth Austria

Gewerkschaftlicher Linksblock (GLB)

Green Party of Austria

Komm Ent


Sandwind-Agentur Vorarlberg

Southern African Documentation and Cooperation Centre


Friends of the Earth Bangladesh



Belarussian Division of International Academy of Ecology


Centre de Recherche e d’information des Organisations de Consummateurs

European Environmental Bureau

National Center for Development Cooperation

Bosnia Herzegavina:

Bosnian Environmental Technologies Association


Assoceatia F.G. Guidotti for Syudies and Nature Conservation

Associacao para Projetos de Combate a Fome Brazillian Institute of Economic and Social Analysis (IBASE)

Fundacao CEBRAC

Fundacao Francisco

Global Forum on Sustainable Food and Nutritional Society

Institute for Southern Minas Gerais for Studies and Nature Conservation

NGO World Ideas Network

Rede Dia Mundial da Alimento

Science Club 11th August


Centre for Environmental Information & Education

MAR – Bulgaria Youth Alliance for Development

Za Zemiata


Albernai Environmental Coalition Alliance for Public Accountability

Antigonish Coalition for Economic Justice

The Area Clamdiggers Association

BC Green Party Borrowers’ Advocate

Calancan Bay Villagers Support Coalition

Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Peace Group

Canadian Catholic Organization Development & Peace Canadian Consortium International Social Development

Canadian Council for International Cooperation

Canadian Environmental Law Association

Canadian Environmental Networks

Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy

Canadian Labour Congress

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society

Canadian Union of Public Employees

Canadian Voice for Women and Peace

Costa Rica Saskatchewan Twinning Project

Council of Canadians

Council of Canadians – BC Chapter

Council of Canadians – Cowichan Valley Chapter

Council of Canadians – Mid-Island Vancouver

Council of Canadians- Montreal

Distributed Knowledge Project

Earth Rainbow Network

Eco-Materials Group

Enviro Clove Falls Brook Centre Federation Nationale des Associations de Consommateurs du Quebec Friends of Temagami The GAIA Project

Georgia Strait Alliance Global Compliance Research Project

Greenpeace Canada

Greenways Committee Guideposts for a Sustainable Future

The Halifax Initiative, which includes:


Inter-Church Coalition on Africa



Social Justice Committee of Montreal

Sierra Club of Canada

Toronto Environmental Alliance

World Inter-Action Mondiale Indonesia-Canada Alliance Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America Island Natural Growers Lifecycles Project Society Malaspina Students Union Local 61, Canadian Federation of Students

Manitoba MAI Awareness Coalition

Manitoba Federation of Labor

Manitoba Future Forest Alliance

Montreal Raging Grannies

Nanoose Conversion Campaign

National Action Committee on the Status of Women

The New Democratic Opposition

Nipissing Environmental Watch

North Island Students Association

Northwatch North-South Institute

Nova Scotia Public Interest Research Group

Nova Scotia Voice of Women

Ocean Voice International

Ottawa Local Employment and Trading System

OPIRG – Ottawa

Pacific Institute

Polaris Institute

The Powell River Regional District

Power River Greenways

Quality of Life Network

Reach for Unbleached Foundation

Rogers Environmental and Educational Foundation

Saskatchewan Environmental Society

Saskatoon Chapter of Council of Canadians

Sierra Club of Canada

Sierra Youth Coalition

Solution to Pollution

Turtle Island Earth Stewards

West Coast Environmental Law Association

Western Canada Wilderness Committee

The Windsor Arena MAI – Day Coalition

The Windsor Chapter of the Council of Canadians

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

The World Federalists of Canada

World Interaction Mondiale

University of British Columbia MAI – Not Group

University of Victoria Students’ Society


Centro de Estudios Uruguayo de Tecnologas Apropriadas

Friends of the Earth Chile

Costa Rica:

Friends of the Earth Costa Rica


Green Osijek



Institute for Environmental Policy

Hnuti Duha/Friends of the Earth Czech Republic


Friends of the Earth Curacao


Friends of the Earth Denmark

El Salvador:

Friends of the Earth El Salvador


Eco-Peace – Middle East Environmental NGO Forum


Tartu Student Nature Protection Group



A SEED Europe

Central and Eastern European Bankwatch Network

Climate Network Europe

Women in Development Europe (WIDE)


Finnish Association for Nature Conservation

Friends of the Earth Finland



Friends of the Earth France

Helio International

Imaginons un RTseau Internet Solidaire / Let’s Imagine and Internet Network Solidarity (IRIS)


Alliance 90/the Greens

Friends of the Earth Germany

Germanwatch North-South Initiative


Heinrich Boll Foundation

Initiative bessere Zukunft

Kairos Europe

Southwind Agency


World Economy, Ecology and Development Association


Association of Social and Ecological Intervention


Friends of the Earth Grenada


Friends of the Earth Haiti


Egyetemes Letezes Teremeszetvedelmi Egyesulet (ETK)

For the Danube’ Association

Hungarian Traffic Club

National Society of Conservationists


Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS)

Dahanu Taluka Environmental Welfare Association

International Study for Gandhian Studies Lokayan

People’s Alliance for Implementation of the Law (PAIL)

The Tamilnadu Peoples Forum for Social Development


Friends of the Earth Indonesia


Association for Sustainability & Equity in the Americas

Forum Environment and Development

Friends of the Earth International (FoEI)

Global Action Plan

Global Help Project

Greenpeace International

Guideposts for a Sustainable Future



Pacific Environment & Resources Center

People-Centered Development Forum

Third World Network

Witness for Peace

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

Women’s Environment & Development Organisation (WEDO)

World Wide Fund Nature International (WWF-I)

World Information Transfer


An Talamh Glas

Friends of the Earth Ireland


Eco-Peace – Middle East Environmental NGO Forum



Associazione per la Pace – Pordenone

Associazione Proiezione Peters

Campaign Globalizzazione

Centro Internazionale Crocevia

Centro Nuovo Modello di Sviluppo

Cooperativa Itaca – Pordenone


Fondaziane Internazionale Basso per i Diritti

Friends of the Earth Italy

Greenpeace Italy

IDOC International

Mani Tese

Reform the World Bank Campaign

Tribunale Permanente del Popolo

Service Civil International

World Wildlife Fund


APEC Monitor NGO Network

Baraban Heritage Society

Blue Sky Network

Friends of the Earth Japan

International Peoples Health Council

Institute for Alternative Community Development

Japan Tropical Forest Action Network

Kansai NGO Council

Network Earth Village

Osaka YMCA

Pacific Asia Resource Center

People’s Forum 2001


Eco-Peace – Middle East Environmental NGO Forum


Eco-News Africa

Economic and Social Policy Initiatives

Environment Liaison Centre International

National Council to Combat Decertification


Association for a Different Europe

Environmental Protection Club


Friends of the Earth Lithuania

Lithuania Green Movement


Friends of the Earth Luxembourg


Center for Civic Initiatives

Friends of the Earth Macedonia


Friends of the Earth Malaysia



Small Farmers Movement


Accion Ciudadana de Sonora

Accion Estrategica y Pastoral(SPAN) Alianza Vallesana

Accion para la Democracia

Alianza Cuidadana Ambientalista A.C.

Alimentos, Medicinas y Equipos para la Paz A.C.

Asesores para el Avance Social Campo de Oaxaca

Centro de Estudios del Campo Mexicana

Centro de Estudios Ecumunicos

Centro de Atencion a la Mujer

Centro de Apoyo al Movimiento Popular Oaxaque

Centro de Integral para Promotir es Comunitanos A.C.

Centro de Investigacion y Asesoria Laboral

Centro de Investigacion y Accion de la Mujer, A.C.

Centro de Ecologia y Desarollo

Centro de Estudios Sociales y Ecologicos

Comision Mexicana para la Defensa y Promocion de los Derechos Humanos

Comite de Derechos Humanos de Tabasco

Convergencia de Organismos Civiles por la Democracia, A.C.

Convergencia Veracruzana

Desarrollo, Ambiente y Sociedad

Educacion, Cultura y Ecologia, A.C.

Equipo Pueblo Escuela de Capacitacion Civica SLP


Federacion de Sindicatos Autenticos de Guanajuato

Frente Autentico del Trabajo

Frente Civico de Sinaloa

Frente Civico de Acapulco

Frente por el Derecho a la Alimentacion

Fronteras Comunes

Gabriel Camara (Personal)

Grupos de Estudios Ambientales A.C.


Grupo Ecologista del Mayab A.C.

Indicadores Desarrollo y Analisis (IDEA)

International Federation of Human Rights (LIMEDDH- FIODH) Intersindical Valle de Mexico

Investigacion y Educacion Popular Autogestiva A.C.

Liga Mexicana por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos

Movimiento Cuidadano por la Democracia

Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad

Mujeres Comprometidas Con Mexico

Mujeres en Acci=n Sindical (MAS) A.C.

Mujeres sin Fronteras A.C.

Nuevo Amanecer Press

Pacto de Grupos Ecologistas

ProNatura Chiapas A.C.

Red Mexicana de Accion Frente al Libre Comercio (RMALC)

Red Mexicana de Cabildeo por el Desarrollo

Red Nacional de Organizaciones Ecologistas “Pacto de Grupos Ecologistas”

Red Yucateca de Organizaciones

Servicios Informacion Procesada

Servicios Informativos Procesados A.C.

Sindicato de Trabajadores de Elevadores Otis

Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Contruccion 1 de Mayo

Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria Metalica, Acero, Hierro, Conexos y Similares

Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria Textil “Belisario Dominguez”

Sindicato de Trabajadores del Inca Rural

Sindicato Libertad de Trabajadoras de la Confeccion

Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadoras de la Industria del Hierro y el Acero

Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores de la Secretaria de Pesca

Sociedad Mexicana de Psicologia Social Trasparencia

UCISV-Vearacruz, Pobladores A.C.

Union de Cooperativas Independientes

Union de Ejidos del Distrito de Jimenez Chihuahua

Union de Productores de Vidrio del Estado de Mexico

Universidad Autonomo Metropolitana


Biotica Ecological Society


Forum for Protection of Public Interest

SAWTEE, Kathmandu

SEWA Nepal


Alternatieve Konsumentenbord

ANPED, Netherlands


Corporate Europe Observatory

De Kleine Aard

Friends of the Earth Netherlands

Greenpeace Netherlands

Health Action International

Infocentrum Wageningen

Institute for Cultural Ecology

Naar Een Ander Europa

Netherlands Committee of the IUCN

Tools for Transition, Netherlands

Towards a Different Europe

Women for Peace International

Women in Europe for a Common Future

Women’s Party

Working Group for a Feminist Group

New Zealand:

Fair Deal Coalition

Friends of the Earth New Zealand

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom


Center for Information and Advisory Services Health

Grupo Propositivo de Cabildeo

International Peoples Health Council

Regional Committee for Community Health


Friends of the Earth Nigeria


Friends of the Earth Norway

Red Electoral Alliance


Eco-Peace – Middle East Environmental NGO Forum


Society for Conservation and Protection of Environment (SCOPE)


Alternate Forum for Research in Mindanao (AFRIM), Inc, Philippines

Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development

Center for Alternative Development

Ecological Society of the Philippines

Institute for Popular Democracy

Lingkod Tao-Kalikasan



Polish Ecological Club


Ambiental para Barlavento





Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development Eco-Accord


Environmental Education Coordination Center

Green Cross

Green World

KE Association

Socio-Ecological Union

St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists

World Information Service on Energy (WISE)


Center for Environmental Public Advocacy

Earth Friends Society

SOSNA, Center for Sustainable Alternatives

ZO SZOPK- Dubnicka Environmentalna Skupina / Basic organization of the Slovak Union of Nature and Landscape Protectors – Dubnica Environmental Group


LABECO – Center for Environmental Research

Institute for Cultural Ecology

The Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development


South Africa:

South African Municipal Workers Union

South Korea:

Green Korea United

Sri Lanka:

Environmental Foundation Ltd.


Africa Groups of Sweden

Forests, Trees & People at Department of Rural Development Studies

Friends of the Earth Sweden

Swedish Society for Nature Conservation

Swedish Consumer Coalition


Friends of the Earth Switzerland

Swiss Interchurch and Cambodia Programme

Swiss Coalition of Development Organisations

Women’s World Summit Foundation


Focus on the Global South


National Ecological Centre

Ukrainian Society for Sustainable Development

United Kingdom:

Abantu for Development

Action on Disability and Development

Catholic Fund for Overseas Development (CAFOD)

Centre for Complexity and Change

Christian Ecology Link

Environmental Investigation Agency

Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Green Party of England and Wales

International Coalition for Development Action

Iona Community

Lancashire Global Education Centre

Socialists Environment and Resources Association

Third World First

World Development Movement

United States:

Alliance for Democracy

Alliance for Secular and Democratic South Asia

Alternatives in Action!

American Nurses Association

Amnesty International-Pennsylvania

Animal Welfare Institute

Arizona Toxics Information

Asia Pacific Environmental Exchange

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)

Association of State Green Parties

Bombay Environmental Action Group

Border Ecology Project

Boulder Independent Business Alliance

California Fair Trade Coalition

Campaign for Labor Rights

Caroline Interfaith Task Force on Central America

Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)

Center for Popular Economics

Center for Sustainable Systems

Center of Concern

Chicago Metropolitan Sanctuary Alliance

Chicago Religious Leadership Network of Latin America

Citizen’s Alliance of Santa Barbara

Citizen’s Trade Campaign

Clean Water Action

Coalition Against Toxics

Coalition for Forests

Comboni Missionaries, Justice and Peace Resource Center

Community Nutrition Institute

Cornell Greens

Cornucopia Network of New Jersey

Cross Border Network for Justice and Solidarity

Culture’s Edge

Cumberland Counties for Peace and Justice

Defenders of Wildlife

Democratic Socialists of America

Democratic Reform News

Development GAP

Earth WINS

Employment Research Association


Ecumenical Program on Central America & the Caribbean

Fair Trade Coalition of Colorado

Federal Land Action Group

Fifty Years is Enough

Friends of the Earth United States

General Board of Church & Society of the United Methodist Church

Global Corporate Accountability Issue Group

Global Exchange

Government Accountability Project

Greater Kansas City Fair Trade Coalition

Green Party of Rhode Island

Ground Work for a Just World

Guatemala News and Information Bureau

Hightower & Associates

Howard County Friends of Central America and Carribean

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy

Institute for Food and Development Policy

Institute Justice Team for Sisters of Mercy of the Americas

Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility

Inter-Hemispheric Resource Center

International Forum on Globalization

International Brotherhood of Teamsters

International Labor Rights Fund

International Law Center for Human, Economic and Environmental Defense (HEED)

International Peoples Health Council – North America

International Rivers Network

International Study for Gandhian Studies

International Union of Electricians (IUE) Local 1140

Jobs with Justice-Mid Willamette Valley Chapter

Jobs with Justice-Portland

Kansas Farmers Union

Klamath Siskiyou Wildlands Center

Latin American Energy Response Network

Leadership Council of Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Hearth of Mary

Long Island Progressive Coalition

Madison Community Co-operative

Maryknoll Education Center

McKeever Institute of Economic Policy Analysis

Medical Mission Sister’s Alliance for Justice

Midwest Center for Labor Research

Mining Impact Coalition of Wisconsin

Minnesota Fair Trade Coalition

Mountcastle International

National Commission for Economic Conversion & Disarmament

National Family Farm Coalition

National Farmers Union

National Organization of Raw Materials

National Wildlife Federation

Native Forest Council

NETWORK: A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby

Network for Environmental and Economic Responsibility of the United Church of Christ

New Economics Foundation

New Jersey Citizen Action

New Jersey Environmental Federation

New Jersey Public Interest Research Group

New Jersey State Council of YWCAs

New Jersey Work Environment Council

New York State Labor-Religion Coalition

New York Student Environmental Action Coalition

Nicaragua Network

Northern Sanitiam Watershed Council

Pacific Environment & Resources Center

Pax Christi-Maine

Pax Christi Michigan State Council

Peace Action of San Mateo County California

Peace and Justice Center of Vermont

Pennsylvania Consumer Action Network

Pennsylvania Fair Trade Campaign

Pesticide Action Network North America

Presbyterian Church

Progressive Review

Project Biodiversity in Public Forests Network

Project South: Institute for the Elimination of Poverty & Genocide

Project Underground

Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch

Pure Food Campaign

Prairie Rural Action

Rainforest Action Network


Reform Party of Texas

Resource Center for the Americas

Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights

The Rogers Park Community Action Network (RPCAN)

Rural Vermont

San Francisco Labor Council for Latin American Advancement

Sane Distribution

Sierra Club

Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame

Society for a Clean Environment

Southeast Regional Economic Justice Network

Southwest Organizing Project

Steering Committee of Assoc. of State Green Parties

Student Environmental Action Network Montana

Support Committee for Maquiladora Workers

Sustainable Alternative to the Global Economy (SAGE)


Texas Center for Policy Studies

Texas Fair Trade Campaign

The Edmonds Institute

Tourism Industry Development Council

United Church Board for World Ministries

United Church of Christ, Network for Environmental and Economic Responsibility

United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE)

United for a Fair Economy

United Labor Council of Redding and Berks County

University Conversion Project

Upavim Crafts

U.S. Catholic Mission Association

Values Project

Washington Office on Latin America

Western Ancient Forest Campaign

Westchester People’s Action Coalition (WESPAC)

Wetlands Preserve

Witness for Peace

Woodstock Institute

Workgroup for Peoples Health and Rights



World Hunger Year

8th Day Center for Justice

4D Manifestations


Green Peace of Izmail



World Rainforest Movement


Centre for Non-Violent Conflict Resolution

Green Table