Medicare Prescription Drug Legislation
Medicare Prescription Drug Legislation
NEW: The Medicare Drug War
Public Citizen report on how drug companies and HMOs led an army of nearly 1,000 lobbyists to promote misguided legislation and increase profits (June 22, 2004)
Analysis of Industry-Backed Medicare Drug Bill
Medicare Prescription Drug Bill at a Glance
New Medicare Law Benefits Industry More Than Seniors
Prescription Drug Reimportation Bill
Conflict of Interest of Former Medicare Chief Thomas Scully
Public Citizen has called on the Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to investigate the priopiety of Secretary Tommy Thompson’s waiver exempting former Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Thomas Scully from ethics laws. The waiver allowed Scully to represent the Bush Administration in negotiations with Congress over the recently-enacted Medicare prescription drug legislation while Scully simultaneously negotiated possible employment with three lobby firms and two investment firms that had a major stake in the legislation. Read More…
Conflict of Interest of Former Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee Rep. W.J. “Billy” Tauzin
AARP’s Conflicts of Interest
The AARP’s Washington headquarters, in a stunning reversal, has endorsed the current Medicare prescription drug plan.
A Public Citizen analysis of the AARP’s finances, however, reveals a long list of potential conflicts of interest. AARP’s financial records show that, if the bill is passed, the group stands to make tens of millions of dollars through its various commercial health care ventures. A representative for AARP acknowledged Friday in the New York Times that about 24% of the AARP’s revenues come from their health insurance-related activites. Click here to learn more.
Other Information on the Medicare Prescription Drug Bill
• Read about the Campaign to Preserve – Not Privatize – Medicare