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Letters and Statements on Protecting Health in the TPP


From the United Nations


May 31, 2012- Joint UNDP/UNAIDS Issue Brief: The Potential Impact of Free Trade Agreements on Public Health (Links to Asia Pacific UNDP)

From Civil Society

April 30, 2014Eleven U.S. civil society groups including AARP, AFL-CIO, among others, send letter to USTR expressing concerns with TPP’s potential impact on prescription drug costs

February 12, 2014- Access to medicines coalition takes a joint stance against USTR’s “new” approach for addressing access to medicines in developing countries in the TPP

November 22, 2013-Physicians in training send letter expressing their concern on the TPP’s effects on access to medicines

November 22, 2013-Open letter to Prime Minister of Canada from NGOs on access to medicines

November 21, 2013-Fair Deal letter requesting changes to IP chapter of TPP

November 14, 2013-Academics send letter to USTR requesting a change in TPP’s IP approach

November 12, 2013-CSO Letter on NSA Surveillance

November 8, 2013American civil society groups send letter to president Obama highlighting the ways in which the TPP could affect access to affordable healthcare in the United States 

October 22, 2013AARP sends a letter to the USTR requesting that they not bind the US to a 12 year market exclusivity agreement for brand-name biologics

July, 2013-Statement of the LAC-Global Alliance for Access to Medicines on the TPP

May 30, 2013Latin American members of Consumer International statement on the negative consequences of the TPP for consumers

May 15, 2013 Hemispheric Statement of 167 organizations denouncing the TPP
En Español

December 10, 2012New Zealand Nurses Association statement on IP and medicines

December 7, 2012American Medical Students Association letter to TPP negotiators on IP and medicines

December 4, 2012Civil Society statement on being locked out of the convention center at the Auckland round of negotiations

October 1, 2012-US Green Party signs international Green statement against “secret” Trans-Pacific Partnership pact

September 11, 2012 Joint Statement from Malaysian health advocacy groups against the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement 

August 31, 2012Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry Letter To USTR about IP Chapter in the TPP

May 10, 2012Joint Position Statement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership from generic pharmaceutical trade associations

February 29, 2012-Over 100 Vietnamese health advocacy groups release declaration on the Trans-Pacific FTA and access to medicines 

February 27, 2012-NGOs call on Australian government to prioritize access to medicines over trade interests, (link to phaa.net.au)

October 7, 2011-Petition from International Coalition of Treatment Activists (CIAT) to President of Peru on TPP and access to medicines English  | Español

October 4, 2011-Letter from the Prosa Association to Peruvian President Humala about dangers of TPP for access to medicines in Peru (en Español)

September 5, 2011-Malaysian Declaration on the Trans-Pacific FTA and Access to Medicines

May 18, 2011-Joint civil society comments to USTR on public health and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (link to keionline.org)

February 15, 2011-Letter from Trans-Pacific FTA Member Countries Health Groups to TPP Trade Ministers | En Español

September 9, 2010-Coalition Letter to the USTR on the Proposed Trans Pacific FTA and Global Access to Medicines

From U.S. Government

July 28, 2015Letter from Rep. Himes to Ambassador Froman Calling for TPP IP Provisions to Balance Innovation and Access to Medicines

July 23, 2015Letter from 11 members of Congress to USTR on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Access to Medicines

March 14, 201416 members of Congress write USTR expressing concern over TPP provisions’ effect on access to medicines

January 17, 2014Several ranking members in Congress send letter to USTR in support of access to medicines in developing countries (links to citizen.org)

December 10, 2014Representative Sandy Levin’s Statement on the TPP following the Singapore Ministerial Meeting

December 9, 2013 6 Members of Congress Write to President Obama on TPP and Access to Health Care, Criticize Closed Door Negotiations (links to keionline.org)

December 6, 2013Representative Waxman (D-CA) sends letter to USTR expressing strong disagreement with 12 years of data exclusivity in the TPP  (links to waxman.house.gov)

November 13, 2013-151 House Democrats sign letter opposing Fast Track (links to citizen.org)
                               Breakdown of signatories

Both houses of congress send letter to President Obama expressing their disappointment in the inclusion of the tobacco clauses in the TPP: (House) (Senate)

September 12, 2013Letter from Representative Brown (D-Ohio) to the Obama Administration urges removal of the tobacco proposal so as to not undermine public health

March 15, 2013Letter from Representatives DeLauro, Schakowsky and Lee to Michael Froman, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs, Regarding the US TPP IP Proposal and Access to Medicines

November 30, 2012Letter from Senators Franken and Snowe signed by 24 U.S. Senators urging President Obama to Protect American Jobs in Negotiations Over New Pacific Free Trade Negotiations

June 28, 2012 Techdirt: Over 130 Representatives Spell Out their Concerns with TPP in Letter to Ron Kirk (links to Techdirt)

June 27, 2012-Senator Brown, Senator Wyden, Senator Merkley, and Senator Menendez’s letter to Ron Kirk asking for greater congressional access to negotiations  Letter | Press Release

June 27, 2012With Proposed NAFTA-Style Trade Deal Threatening to Undermine American Auto and Manufacturing Jobs, Brown Joins Business & Labor Leaders to Announce Efforts to Reform Trade Agreements (links to brown.senate.gov)

June 26, 2012-Rep. Darrell Issa requests “Observer-status” at Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (links to issa.house.gov)

May 23, 2012-Senator Wyden proposes legislation to increase access of Members of Congress to trade negotiations (links to scribd.com)

May 9, 2012Senator Al Franken’s Letter to Ron Kirk Asking for Greater Transparency on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (links to mnfairtradecoalition.org)

March 19, 2012-Maine Legislature passes Joint Resolution calling for transparency in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) (links to mainelegislature.org)

March 6, 2012Maine Trade Commission’s letter to Ron Kirk re: process used to negotiate and accept foreign trade policy arrangements (links to maine.gov) – Find more letters from the Commission here

December 1, 2011Senator Sanders’ letter to Ron Kirk re: USTR’s position with regard to access to medicines in the TPP and the apparent retreat from the May 10th Agreement (links to keionline.org)

October 21, 2011Emergency Resolution Against An Immature Pledge To Join TPP Negotiations from members of Japan’s parliament

October 19, 2011-Congressional Letter to USTR on Preserving Access to Medicines in the Trans-Pacific FTA

September 8, 2011Members of Congress write to the USTR demanding that the May 10th Agreement be the starting point for TPP negotiations (link to infojustice.org)

August 4, 2011Congressional Letter to USTR Kirk Calling for No Biologics Data Exclusivity

August 2, 2011-Members of Congress Stand up for Access to Medicines

July 26, 2011- Ways and Means Letter to USTR Kirk Calling for Preservation of May 10 Agreement in TPP

September 16, 2010State Legislators Letter to USTR Kirk Opposing Pharmaceutical Price Regulatory Restrictions in TPP


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