Letter to Secretary of Health and Human Services Regarding Unethical Trial Involving Premature Infants
In a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Public Citizen urged the secretary to personally apologize to the parents of 1,316 premature infants who were exposed to an increased risk of blindness and death as part of a clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health and held throughout the U.S. several years ago – because their parents were not informed about the risks or true nature and purpose of the research.
View consent forms for SUPPORT study.
View the protocol for SUPPORT study.
April 11, 2013: Follow Up Letter on Misleading Statements by Research Executive
June 4, 2013: Letter from the Office for Human Research Protections to the University of Alabama at Birmingham
July 23, 2013: Letter from the Secretary of Health and Human Services