Through our Civil Justice Project, Public Citizen use a three-pronged approach — legislative advocacy, litigation and research — to preserve an individual’s right to seek redress through the courts. The generous supporters listed below have joined our fight to protect consumers’ access to justice.
Civil Justice Trustees
Annual Support of $25,000+
Joseph Cotchett | Gerson Smoger |
Frank M. Pitre |
Civil Justice Champions
Annual Support of $12,000 to $24,999
Jay Causey | Anthony I. Paronich | C. Tab Turner |
Alan B. Morrison | Allen and Linda Saeks |
Civil Justice Leaders
Annual Support of $6,000 to $11,999
Tim Becker | Victoria de Toledo | Joan Levin |
Jeffrey A. Burns | Tim Dollar | Michael and Louise Malakoff |
Elizabeth Cabraser | Robert Jennings Jr. and Barbara Bott | Meredith and Thomas Sobol |
Civil Justice Advocates
Annual Support of $3,000 to $5,999
Civil Justice Associates
Annual Support of $1,200 to $2,999
Roy Barnes | Carlos L. Guerra | Arthur Levy |
Anne Bloom | Deepak Gupta | Stan J. Marks |
Raymond P. Boucher | Robert Habush | Bruce E. Mattock |
Alan R. Brayton | Keith A, Hebeisen | Christian D. Searcy |
Alvina Contarino | Stephen Herman | Chris Sharpe |
Miriam Cutler | John C. Hueston | George T. Sinas |
J. Kent Emison | Anne McGinness Kearse | Paul Strittmatter |
Scott Grabel | William M. Krieg | Tara D. Sutton |
Bernard M. Gross | James T. Leavitt | Kay Van Wey |
Civil Justice Sustainers
Annual Support of $600 to $1,199
Jason B. Adkins | L. Richard Fried, Jr. | Brian L. McKeen |
Charles H. Alpern | Richard H. Friedman | Brad Moore |
Nancy Barron | Neil Getnick | David Munoz |
Alexander Begum | Stanley M. Grossman | Larry Ottinger |
Lynne Bernabei | Steven Gursten | James M. Pietz |
Daniel E. Birkhaeuser | Robert T. Hall | Michael Putman |
Bruce Braley | Tom Hamer | Michael J. Quirk |
Arthur H. Bryant | R. Ben Hogan III | Hezekiah Sistrunk |
Lawrence J. Buckfire | Wayne Hogan | Tad Thomas |
Mark Chavez | Harvey E. Jester | Gregory R. Vanni |
Jamie S. Cogburn | Suzanne G. Keith | Randall D. Reedy |
Alex De Castroverde | Susan Knape | Marc M. Seltzer |
David DiSabato | Joseph N. Kravec Jr. | Anthony Tarricone |
Jeremy Flachs | Jason Krigel | Robert White |
The Greene-Milstein Family Foundation | James A. Lowe | Justin Watkins |
Arthur L. Fox II |