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Johnson & Johnson and the Medicines Patent Pool

Johnson & Johnson and the Medicines Patent Pool

Johnson & Johnson formerly refused to negotiate any licensing agreements with the Medicines Patent Pool on December 19th, 2011.

Below, find a brief chronology of Johnson & Johnson’s relationship with the Medicines Patent Pool including letters and statements leading up to J&J’s latest refusal:

December 21, 2011 – MSF criticizes Johnson & Johnson for turning its back on PLHIV and refusing to join the MPP (links to doctorswithoutborders.org)

December 19, 2011 – MPP releases statement on Johnson & Johnson’s refusal to negotiate (links to medicinespatentpool.org)

December 19, 2011 Johnson & Johnson sends letter to MPP refusing to participate in negotiations (links to keionline.org)

December 15, 2011 – Johnson & Johnson responds to Public Citizen’s letter

December 15, 2011 – MSF organizes letter campaign requesting Johnson & Johnson to enter negotiations with the MPP (links to doctorswithoutborders.org)

December 7, 2011 – Public Citizen sends  Tibotec / Johnson & Johnson a letter urging them to negotiate with the MPP

April 25, 2011 – MSF press release on Johnson & Johnson’s refusal to participate in the MPP (links to doctorswithoutborders.org)

April 25, 2011 – MSF writes Johnson & Johnson on their failure to license to the MPP (links to doctorswithoutborders.org)

January 31, 2011 – Johnson & Johnson declines the MPP’s invitation to negotiations (links to medicinespatentpool.org)

January 28, 2011 – MSF criticizes Johnson & Johnson / Tibotec voluntary licensing arrangements (links to doctorswithoutborders.org)

December 1, 2010 – The MPP writes Johnson & Johnson, inviting them to participate in negotiations (links to medicinespatentpool.org)

Fall 2009-Fall 2010 – MSF writes Johnson & Johnson twice asking them to negotiate with the MPP


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