Environment Groups Outline Demands for TPP, Urging Congress to Vote “No” if Concerns Left Unaddressed
By Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch
Dear Member of Congress,
Our organizations have been following the TPP negotiations for years and have expressed our serious concerns about its impact on the environment. Now that the environment chapter has been finalized and the negotiations for the entire agreement have concluded, we write to underscore key elements that should be included and excluded from the pact.
The environment chapter should be judged by whether its provisions are strong enough to have a meaningful impact on the ground in TPP countries and whether the obligations will be enforced. We are also concerned that any potential benefits of the environment chapter will be overwhelmed by the negative impacts of other provisions in the pact including the TPP’s investment, sanitary and phytosanitary, technical barriers to trade, regulatory coherence chapters and other provisions that have an impact on key environment and public health protections.
To that end, this letter is divided into three sections. The first is dedicated to rules that should be included in the environment chapter; the second is dedicated to enforcement; and the third to rules outside of the environment chapter that would have a particularly negative impact on the environment.