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Public Citizen Analyses

Public Citizen’s Burcu Kilic and Pablo Viollier in El Mostrador: Opinión: Divide y vencerás, la nueva estrategia de Estados Unidos para destrabar las negociaciones del TPP (en español), April 9, 2015

Briefing Memo: Chile and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement – Access to Medicines Risks & Continued Bullying from USTR, April 2012 NEW!
English | Español

Dangers for Access to Medicines in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Comparative Analysis of the U.S. Intellectual Property Proposal and Chilean Law, April 2012 NEW!
English | Español

Chart comparing pharmaceutical patent and data provisions in leaked U.S. proposals to the TPFTA, TRIPS Agreement and FTAs in negotiating countries, December 2011

Leaked Documents

Chile’s TPP Submission: Preliminary Considerations for TPP IP Chapter, February 2011


Chilean civil society groups send letter to Minister of External Relations Alfredo Moreno Charme, Feburary 14, 2011 (en español)

Statement of the LAC-Global Alliance for Access to Medicines on the TPP, July 2013

Derechos Digitales Analyses:

“Chile and the TPP Negotiation: Analysis of the economic and political impact” by Carlos Furche, Former director of International Economic Relations (DIRECON), May, 2013

Santiago Intersessional Meeting on Intellectual Property

(April 9-13, 2012)

Public Seminar: “Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)¿Avance o Retroceso?: Impacto en Acceso a Medicamentos y Conocimiento”, Centro de Extension, Universidad Catolica

Actions against the TPP in Chile

ONG Derechos Digitales launched a public campaign against the TPP. In twelve hours, more than 3,500 people sent emails to the President and his top advisers, to express their opposition to the TPP. See petition here

By March 2012, the campaign had expanded to include more than 6,000 people. Read more here (en español)


Partner Organizations

The TPP Will Also Affect Copyright Legislation and Internet Rights in Chile: Find out more

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