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Clara Vondrich

Senior Policy Counsel, Climate Program

Clara (she/her) is an experienced advocate, who has worked to advance climate solutions across policy, communications and grassroots campaigns for over a decade. She has been a leader in the movement calling for divestment from fossil fuels and investment in climate solutions.

Clara advanced the Divest-Invest campaign in a number of crucial roles from 2015 to 2020. Early in her career, she worked at Arnold & Porter, then on the National Commission on the BP-Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, before shifting to work exclusively in climate.

At Public Citizen, Clara works at the intersection of climate and financial policy in the United States, as market regulators advance rules that will either align Wall Street and corporate polluters with climate goals, or give them another pass.

Clara is a fellow of the Public Voices Fellowship on the Climate Crisis, an initiative of the OpEd Project, in partnership with the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication.