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Here Is an Easy Way To Support Solar in Austin

Austin Energy has a Community Solar program — but it’s far too small, serving only about 470 customers.

So, what can we do? Sign up for Austin Energy’s Community Solar waiting list.

As the list grows, the utility will see that Austinites are eager for local clean energy and will expand the program. The more people sign up, the more encouragement they will have to build out more local solar resources.

Land is expensive in Austin, so the Community Solar program’s expansion will come partly from rooftop solar that the utility pays for.

Have you noticed how many rooftops in Austin are baking in the sun with nothing to show for it?

Austin Energy has a new program under development that would allow property owners to host solar installations, adding capacity to the Community Solar program. Instead of paying to install solar, property owners will get paid for hosting solar systems.

Austin Energy needs more local energy production and the best way to ensure that that doesn’t come at the cost of our health and the climate is to ramp up the deployment of local solar — along with other clean energy solutions, like batteries and energy efficiency upgrades.

Sign up for community solar now!