Public Citizen Launches Video Series on the Civil Justice System
Oct. 18, 2017
Public Citizen Launches Video Series on the Civil Justice System
Videos Are Aimed at Engaging the Public on the Important Fights to Protect Our Day in Court
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Public Citizen is launching a video series to highlight the importance of every person’s access to the courts. The offbeat, no-frills series, which will be available on Public Citizen’s website and YouTube and Facebook channels every other Thursday at 3 p.m. ET, will explore in easy-to-understand language civil justice issues that are being debated in the U.S. Congress, state houses, courts and communities across America.
The civil justice system is a critical tool for holding reckless corporations and individuals accountable for wrongdoing, as well as playing a major role in maintaining public health and safety.
“Most Americans understand at a basic level why the criminal justice system is important,” said Remington A. Gregg, Public Citizen’s counsel for civil justice and consumer rights, who hosts the video series. “However, far fewer citizens understand the civil justice system, even though it is so vital to protecting our constitutional rights and providing a forum for holding wrongdoers accountable.”
For the launch, Public Citizen is releasing two videos today and one each on Thursday and Friday. Friday’s video features the civil justice folk hero, the “Monopoly Man,” who will tell viewers how they can join the fight against attempts to roll back protections for victims of corporate rip-offs by big banks.
Since its founding, Public Citizen has been fighting to preserve access to a strong civil court system. However, the Trump administration, Congress and state legislatures have stepped up their assault against victims of discrimination, abuse and rip-offs by trying to close the courthouse doors to consumers. These are brazen attempts by elected officials to help their corporate campaign donors escape accountability for wrongdoing.
Gregg continued: “A strong civil justice system provides victims of workplace discrimination the right to band together to hold their employers accountable. It also ensures that communities can challenge corporate polluters, compensates victims of medical malpractice and provides hardworking Americans with the ability to seek redress for wrongful conduct by anyone from their cable company to their next-door neighbor.”
“When citizens better understand how the law protects us, as well as the emerging threats to our access to the court system, we are in a better position to fight to protect our rights. That’s at heart what Public Citizen’s Access to Justice program is all about.”
All videos will be housed on Public Citizen’s webpage and posted on social media.