Mueller Testimony 101: Here Are the Main Findings Congress Needs to Ask About
This is the first time the Special Counsel will take questions in public about his report on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.

On March 22, 2019 Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted his final report on Russia’s attempts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election to officials at the Department of Justice. The sprawling 448- page report, which is the product of an investigation that spanned almost two years, details Russia’s attempts to infiltrate the Trump campaign and spread misinformation to American voters and the ways that the Trump campaign accepted help from Russia.
After more than 2,800 subpoenas, almost 500 search warrants, and approximately 500 interviews with witnesses, the report found an enormous amount of criminal activity carried out directly by members of Trump’s team.
After Attorney General William Barr received the original report from Special Counsel Mueller, he released a heavily redacted version to Congress and the public.
Now, Mueller is coming to Congress to provide public testimony for the first time and we need the facts. Follow along live as Rep. Rashida Tlaib, actor Rob Reiner, and legal experts provide commentary throughout the day. RSVP to tune in here.
Here’s what you need to know about what has come out of the investigation so far.
The Mueller investigation found an enormous amount of criminal activity that is detailed in the report.
Over the course of the investigation Special Counsel Mueller and his team issued 37 criminal indictments and secured 7 guilty pleas or convictions. This includes from Trump’s national security adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to investigators about his contacts with Russia and his campaign chairman who is currently in prison for conspiracy against the United States.
The Mueller Report also details at least 10 instances in which Donald Trump personally sought to obstruct or interfere with the investigation. This includes ordering his White House counsel to lie and create a false record. Additionally, Mueller found that Trump’s team lied to investigators about more than 100 secret meetings with Russia and the Kremlin-linked Wikileaks.
If the average person did any of this, they’d go to jail.
If an average American tried to deceive investigators, obstruct justice, or accept Russian help to interfere in an election like Trump did, they’d go to prison. If a member of our military did this, they’d be court-martialed.
We do not have equal justice in this country if President Trump is able to get away with something that would send anyone else to prison. No one is above the law, not even the President of the United States.
Now it’s up to Congress to get the rest of the facts on the table and hold Donald Trump and his team accountable.
President Trump and his cronies in the Administration cannot be trusted to tell the American people the truth. We need Congress to get to the bottom of what happened in 2016 and make sure that our elections are protected from interference going forward.
Call your Member of Congress today and demand that they hold Trump accountable.
They can do this at the same time as they work to lower health care costs, create good paying jobs, protect reproductive rights, address the climate crisis, and fix our broken immigration system. That’s what we pay them to do.
Together, we can defend the rule of law and uphold our democracy.