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Is this pharma's worst nightmare?

wolfeThere’s a great piece in the Wall Street Journal today about Dr. Sidney Wolfe, the director of Public Citizen’s Health Research Group. Dr. Wolfe, who over the years has worked to get several harmful drugs off the market and stricter warnings put on other drugs, was recently appointed to a four-year term on the Food and Drug Administration’s Drug Safety and Risk Management Committee, which advises the FDA on the safety of drugs. WSJ reporter Alicia Mundy’s lead in her story, “A Wolfe in Regulator’s Clothing: Drug Industry Critic Joins the FDA” is wonderful:

The pharmaceutical industry has a recurring nightmare: Drug-safety crusader Sidney Wolfe becomes a player at the Food and Drug Administration.

Dr. Wolfe also has a nightmare: One of his children goes to work for a drug maker.

Of the two, the doctor is sleeping more soundly.

Mundy also videotaped an interview with Dr. Wolfe. To learn more about dangers and side effects of the drugs you take, visit the Public Citizen resource: Worst Pills, Best Pills.