Icahn Super PAC: Self-Aggrandizement and Policy-Pushing
Oct. 21, 2015
Icahn Super PAC: Self-Aggrandizement and Policy-Pushing
Statement of Robert Weissman, President, Public Citizen
Note: Billionaire Carl Icahn announced today that he is forming a super PAC with $150 million of his own money.
As surely as billionaires like to own sports teams as a form of conspicuous consumption, we can expect them increasingly to fund personal super PACs as a form of self-aggrandizement – as well as to drive forward policies on everything from taxation to gambling to advance their own bottom lines.
Let the billionaires stick to sports teams. The American people know it’s time for – and are demanding – fundamental election spending reform, starting with a constitutional amendment to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United.