Concerned Citizens Tell Constellation Energy: “Have a Heart, Don’t Nuke the Bay!”
Feb. 14, 2008
Concerned Citizens Tell Constellation Energy: “Have a Heart, Don’t Nuke the Bay!”
Baltimore, Maryland—Rallying in front of Constellation Energy’s downtown headquarters, members of the Chesapeake Safe Energy Coalition held a colorful Valentine’s Day-themed protest against the new atomic reactor proposed to be built on the Chesapeake Bay in Calvert County.
The red and pink clad protestors handed out leaflets warning about the flaws in Constellation’s love affair with the atom, including the high costs to ratepayers and taxpayers, and the long time delay in building a nuclear power plant. The coalition’s “Valentine,” handed out to passersby, also warned about the risks to safety and security, public health, and the Chesapeake Bay environment from a new reactor.
“Nuclear power’s insurmountable risks mean that it is not a solution to the climate crisis,” said Dr. Judith Johnsrud of the Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power.
“Maryland could experience brown-outs in as few as three years. Building a new nuclear reactor that could take a decade to bring on line is just bad math,” said Allison Fisher of Public Citizen.
“Marylanders have suffered enough ratepayer robbery from the two Constellation reactors already at Calvert Cliffs,” said Michael Mariotte of Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS). NIRS has intervened before the Maryland Public Service Commission against the proposed new reactor.
“For the love of the Chesapeake, we cannot let another atomic reactor be built on its shores,” said Paul Gunter of Beyond Nuclear. “There are already eleven reactors dumping massive amounts of thermal pollution, and even chronic radioactivity releases, into the Bay watershed, harming the aquatic ecosystem.”
“The true solution to Maryland’s energy needs and climate challenges is renewable sources of electricity and efficiency,” said Johanna Neumann of Maryland PIRG.
“The bottom line on nuclear power is that it is an expensive and risky way to address global warming,” said Steven Soifer, associate professor of social work at the University of Maryland School of Social Work. “Shifting from one dangerous addiction to another — from fossil fuels to nuclear power — is the last thing the doctor would order.”
Note: The mission of the Chesapeake Safe Energy Coalition is to stop the construction of a new nuclear power plant in Maryland, educate the public about the hazards of nuclear energy, and promote clean, safe and affordable energy solutions.