Bird-dogging for Democracy
Congress has gone home for the spring recess, which means it is the perfect time to catch up with your representative and senators. We are asking activists all over the country to "bird-dog" their members of Congress to find out where they really stand on the issues. Sound like fun?
We’ve put together some tips on bird-dogging, in case you’re interested in getting out and asking your members for some real answers. You and I know that our democracy depends upon our initiative to seek out our representatives and get their attention. We must not let them off the hook by letting their press people and the media make the conversation only about the headlines. Transformational democracy — real progress — requires us to make the conversation about changing the status quo.
Who will stand up for us if we don’t?
Not to mention that it’s a hoot to catch them without their spin on. . . if you can. Some of you folks make it a point to attend public appearances by your elected officials and dog them with the tough, important questions. If you’ve got some advice for others or an experience to share, even if it is your very first time bird-dogging, please click on comments below.
Let’s take Congress back, one member at a time!