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A New Approach to Financial Literacy Endorsed by Major Consumer Groups

Dec. 21, 2017

A New Approach to Financial Literacy Endorsed by Major Consumer Groups

12 Consumer Leaders and Child Advocates Available for Interviews

WASHINGTON, D.C. – If financial literacy education works as it is now taught, why are kids carefree with their money rather than cautious?

At a January 8 news conference, major consumer groups and child advocacy experts will announce their endorsement of a new consumer life skills resource for teachers based on questioning sellers and healthy skepticism – FoolProof.

The groups and experts will endorse curriculums for both middle and high school students developed by the FoolProof Foundation’s Walter Cronkite Project.

The curriculums were created as a free alternative to the financial literacy resources funded by business interests. Consumer Groups Endorsing the Curriculums: Consumer Federation of America, Public Citizen, National Association of Consumer Advocates, and Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC’s first-ever endorsement).

Immediately following the news conference: the Newseum will host a special news panel discussion on the state of financial literacy education today.

Both the news conference and the news panel will be live-streamed on the Newseum website.

Attending the news conference in support of FoolProof and available for interview:

Robert Weissman, President
Public Citizen

Lauren Willis, Professor of Law and Rains Senior Research Fellow
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles
“The Financial Education Fallacy”
“Against Financial Education Literacy”

Josh Golin, Executive Director
Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood

Dr. Susan Linn, Lecturer in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School and Research
Associate, Boston Children’s Hospital
“Consuming Kids: The Hostile, Takeover of Childhood”

Michelle Singletary, Syndicated Personal Finance Columnist
The Washington Post

Will deHoo, Founder & Executive Director
FoolProof Foundation

Steve Brobeck, Executive Director
Consumer Federation of America

Ira Rheingold, Executive Director
National Association of Consumer Advocates

Aaron Standish, Financial Literacy Coordinator
Palm Beach County School District, 11th largest school district in the United States

Sarah Coppola, Math & Technology Teacher
Ariel Community Academy, Chicago, a FoolProof Key Testing School

Roberta Baskin, Director
FoolProof Foundation

Michael Sheffer, Director of Education
FoolProof Foundation, and the first teacher to ever use a FoolProof Curriculum
