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Efforts to Improve IRS All But Overlook Nonprofits

April 11, 2018

Efforts to Improve IRS All But Overlook Nonprofits

Ways and Means Markup Fails to Include Sensible Reforms for Nonprofit Political Activity

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee meets to mark up several bills that purport to improve the way taxpayers interact with the IRS. With one exception, requiring nonprofits to e-file their forms, those bills ignore the nonprofit sector, including vital improvements that should be made to the way nonprofits engage with our elections.

“The Ways and Means Committee is missing an opportunity” said Emily Peterson-Cassin, coordinator for Public Citizen’s Bright Lines Project. “There is near-universal agreement that the definition of political activity for nonprofits is too vague. In the bipartisan spirit that animates this hearing, the committee should turn its attention to making that definition work for all nonprofits.”

The Bright Lines Project has been working for years to create clear, fair rules that would apply to all nonprofits and would encourage nonpartisan civic engagement while removing opportunities for abuse.
