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News archive for TPP Round 14, Leesburg, V.A.


September 17, 2012NewsStand: U.S. Tables TPP Drug Pricing Proposal; Still Mulling Other IPR Revisions (links to wtonewsstand.com)

September 17, 2012ENews Park Forest: Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations Met With Daily Protests (links to enewspf.com)

September 14, 2012ENews Park Forest: Pocahontas Star Arrested For Filming At Secretive Free Trade Talks (links to enewspf.com)

September 14, 2012Scoop: Critics Already Gearing up for TPP round in Auckland (links to scoop.co.nz)

September 13, 2012Truth-Out: Occupy the TPP: Civil Disobedience Actions Blockade Entrance to Site of TPP Negotatiations (links to truth-out.org)

September 13, 2012KJOnline: Trans-Pacific Partnership Deal is NAFTA on Steroids (links to kjonline.com)

September 13, 2012Asia Times: Malaysia risks takeover (links to atimes.com)

September 13, 2012IVN: TPP Negotiations Divide Intellectual Property Debate (links to ivn.us)

September 12, 2012Chicago Tribune: Asia-Pacific trade talks entering delicate phase: U.S. (links to chicagotribune.com)

September 12, 2012OpEdNews: Meet the TPP: A Worldwide Corporate Power Grab of Enormous Proportions (links to opednews.com)

September 12, 2012-Daily Dot: The TPP: A first-hand look at secret international talks that could change the Internet (links to dailydot.com)

September 12, 2012-thepeoplesvoice.org: Obama Says One Thing Under the Spotlight; Does Another Behind Closed Doors (links to the peopelsvoice.org)

September 12, 2012-Free Malaysia Today: TPP: America’s hidden agenda (links to freemalaysiatoday.com)

September 12, 2012-Council of Canadians: Protests greet another Trans-Pacific Partnership round (links to rabble.ca)

September 10, 2012-TechLife: Critics concerned trade agreement will include SOPA langauge (links to techcentral.ie)

September 10, 2012Huffington Post: Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Drone Strikes on People With AIDS? (links to huffingtonpost.com)

September 9, 2012Bloomberg: Protesters Seek Openness at Pacific-Region Trade Pact Talks (links to bloomberg.com)

September 8, 2012-The Hill: Lawmakers call for openness over Pacific trade deal IP measures (links to thehill.com)

September 7, 2012TPPInfo: Failing to Understand the Needs of the 21st Century: The TPP’s Inflexible Approach to Internet Transmissions (links to tppinfo.org)

September 7, 2012Inside U.S. Trade: U.S. To Table Refined TPP Drug Pricing Proposal At Leesburg Round (links to wtonewsstand.com)

September 6, 2012-Inside U.S. Trade: Wyden, Issa Join Forces in Latest Effort For More Transparency in TPP (links to wtonewsstand.com)

September 6, 2012TPPInfo: Failing to understand the needs of the 21st century: The TPP’s flawed digital locks scheme (links to tppinfo.org)

September 6, 2012Inside U.S. Trade: After 30 Months Of Negotiations, TPP Talks Still Have Long Way To Go (links to wtonewsstand.com)

September 6, 2012Inside U.S. Trade: Key Areas Of TPP Talks At Different Stages After 30 Months Of Effort (links to wtonewsstand.com)

September 6, 2012Current: Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement-NAFTA on steroids (links to current.com)

September 4, 2012Nature: Trade deal to curb generic drug use (links to nature.com)

September 1, 2012Joe Wolverton in The New American: TPP Copyright Provisions Threaten Internet Freedom, U.S. Sovereignty (links to thenewamerican.com)

August 31, 2012Carolina Rossini and Maira Sutton for the Electronic Frontier Foundation: TPP Countdown: USTR Gives Us an Entire Two Minutes More to Present to Trade Negotiators (links to eff.org)

August 29, 2012Maira Sutton for the Electronic Frontier Foundation: TPP Countdown: USTR Whittles Away at Remaining Trace of Public Participation (links to eff.org)

August 28, 2012Office of Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro (D-CT) News Release in The Wall Street Journal: House Democrats Call On Administration To Open Trade Talks – Request Access as Observers to Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations (links to professional.wsj.com)

August 27, 2012Dean Baker in The Guardian: The Pacific free trade deal that’s anything but free (links to guardian.co.uk)

August 27, 2012Global Trends by Martin Khor in The Star: Concerns over Dearer Drugs (links to thestar.com.my)

August 24, 2012Sam Varghese in IT Wire: Greens call for openness around TPPA talks (links to itwire.com)

August 13, 2012Tech Dirt: Next TPP Negotiation Session Has Only 3 Hours Allotted For Negotiators To Talk To Public Interest Advocates (links to techdirt.com)

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